Washdown Food Scale with Food Safe PillarThe VPS-15 is a Food Grade Stainless Steel Washdown Bench Scale with capacities of 33 lb (15 kg ) and readability of 0.005 lb (0.002 kg)
Features include a stainless steel platform, housing, Pillar and sealed indicator with indicator dust cover. The indicator is rated to IP67 and the scale to IP 65. Food Grade Stainless Steel for the toughest food requirements.
Comes with adapter, rechargable battery, large Backlit LCD Display, Zero tracking, Re-zero, Auto calibration, Adjustable feet, bubble level, Auto Tare and protection from overload and shock. The Washdown feature allows for easy cleanup, and peace of mind when weighing wet or messy items. Weighs in kg, lbs and oz. Platter size is 11 x 13".
The VPS is an ideal food processing scale because it can withstand harsh conditions and is easy to clean. Ideal for fish or meat processing. It is also great for use on the farm, on your fishing boat or any harsh environments requiring thorough washdown cleanup. It will withstand harsh industrial operation. The scale is low profile, and portable with a battery, making it easy to load and unload for travel.